The fourth Thursday in November houses our national day; designated by the U.S. Congress and signed by the President of these United States, as the day every American should give thanks. If we’d be vulnerably transparent, most of us would have to admit that we will not spend much time on “Thanksgiving Day” actually expressing gratitude. In fact, we’d have to go further and confess that we may actually be a gratitude-challenged person.

For followers of JESUS, giving thanks should not be a government assigned day of the year, but a way of life. GOD’s Word has much to say about gratitude and giving thanks. In this message from Pastor Joe Still, we’ll step away from our current sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount and turn our attention to Thanksgiving, not the holiday, but the way of life!

During this service, we’ll get the national celebration of Thanksgiving off to an early start. We’ll celebrate through worship in song! We’ll celebrate through baptism! We’ll celebrate in the study of GOD’s Word! We’ll celebrate through sharing in Holy Communion. We’ll celebrate by taking the Gratitude Challenge!

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