“I will not give as an offering to the LORD… something that costs me nothing.” 1 Chronicles 21:24 (TEV)
Thank you for giving generously and sacrificially to God’s Kingdom work through Riverbluff Church. Your gifts are used to change the world beginning in the Lowcountry and extending to the ends of the earth!
Online giving is safe and secure, making your experience fast and easy. Set up your online profile here.
Text the dollar amount you wish to give to 843.202.4868.
Drop cash or checks in one of the giving kiosks in the back of the auditorium or on Hallway A during any of our services. If you wish to receive credit for tax purposes and are giving cash, you will need to use a tithe envelope and include your name and address on the envelope. The outdoor drop box may also be utilized when the building is not open.
Many banks offer their customers the ability to have checks automatically drafted by their bank and mailed to the recipient on a recurring basis. Please contact your personal bank if you wish to pursue this option.
Mail your contribution to Riverbluff Church, 5421 Riverbluff Parkway, N. Charleston, SC 29420.