The Discipleship Counseling Center at Riverbluff Church offers professional counseling for a variety of different people on a variety of different topics, including:
- Individual Counseling
- Marriage Counseling
- Family Counseling
- Adolescent Counseling
- Children’s Play Therapy and Counseling
- Premarital Counseling
- Relationship Counseling
- Grief Counseling
- Crisis Counseling
- Abusive Relationships
- Making Peace with Childhood Issues
- Dealing with Depression and Guilt
- Overcoming Anxiety and Fear
- Freedom from Drug and Alcohol Problems
You can make your first appointment for an in-take consultation by calling 843.300.0440. You can leave a message and someone will call you back to set up your first appointment or e-mail
Appointments are available Monday through Friday between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm. Evening appointments are available on a limited basis and are made only by request.
All sessions are 50 minutes except for the first session, which is 90-120 minutes.
The Discipleship Counseling Center at Riverbluff Church operates on a fee-for-service basis. For many individuals, your insurance can assist you with the payment. There is a limited scholarship fund that has been established; however, it is our belief that each individual must invest in the counseling experience in order to truly benefit.
When you schedule your intake session with your individual counselor, you'll be invited to our client portal where you can fill out all of the paperwork that is required prior to your first session.