It is our belief that a relationship with Christ provides the direction that is necessary to work through our problems and challenges in life. We believe that the combination of counseling – or walking with someone through a difficult season – along with the strength and power that comes from applying God’s word is what differentiates Christ-Centered counseling from other approaches to counseling.
The Discipleship Counseling Center at Riverbluff Church endeavors to combine the power of Christ with the process of counseling in an effort to help clients align their lives with the Word of God and experience the abundant life promised to all believers by Jesus.
At The Discipleship Counseling Center at Riverbluff Church you will have someone who will listen to you. We believe in grace. We also take seriously the commandment of Christ to bear each other’s burdens and to speak truth in love. We will provide not only trained professional counselors with a variety of experiences and specialties; we also will provide encouragement, prayer and spiritual guidance. We believe that with Christ’s help every individual, couple and family can experience healing and growth no matter how difficult your situation or how broken your circumstances appear. It is our commitment to provide counseling for every person who is committed to change and growth regardless of their religious affiliation, race or financial status. We are also committed to providing sound Biblical counsel and assisting clients with understanding how to apply God’s word to their specific situation.