Riverbluff Church is a Disciple-Making Church with a strong heart to see that every man, woman, and child is given repeated opportunities to see, hear, and to respond to the Gospel of Jesus where they live, work, and play.
We have deliberately designed our church to reach people who are unconnected to any local church. Charleston has hundreds of wonderful churches but we have decided to focus our efforts on reaching people who are un-churched, formerly churched, de-churched, or never churched! So if that fits you, there’s a place at Riverbluff just for you.
We try to provide times where you can experience God. We try to provide an environment where the honest, spiritual explorer can pursue God. We try to provide help in learning to live like Jesus. We try to provide a safe place of healing for the wounded. And we try to provide a context for community for the unconnected.
Come spend some time with us. There’s no charge for checking us out! And let us know how we can help you on your personal spiritual pilgrimage.
Riverbluff Church is a group of people who have made a connection with God and each other. We have all found forgiveness and a connection with God through Jesus. We’re not perfect, but we’ve all been given a fresh start, a “do over” in life.
Our usual Sunday morning service is made up of people who are deeply connected to God, people who are trying to get reconnected, and people who are exploring a connection with God. Our membership is made up of people from diverse backgrounds from all over the tri-county area of Charleston. Our diversity is united by our common faith in Jesus and our common purpose – to help people get connected to God through Jesus.
Riverbluff Church also is a contemporary Baptist church affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. We have decided to “do church” in a contemporary way reaching contemporary people. Charleston has many fine traditional churches who faithfully serve God with a variety of approaches and contexts; we have chosen to do church in a contemporary style with a casual approach to dress, music, and context. We try to present the ageless truth of the Bible in fresh, relevant ways. We’re just one of many churches trying to change the world for the better!