In this sermon we come to the end of our journey through Paul’s letter to the Colossians. Last week we dug into Paul’s challenge in Colossians 4:2 that we should, “Continue steadfastly in prayer”. We traced Paul’s teaching to Jesus instructing His followers in Luke 11 to develop a life of “Persistent Pestering Prayer” rooted in the reality that God is our Father. Jesus told us to “keep asking… keep seeking… and keep knocking” for what we need to live for Him. It is in that framework that God call us to “walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.” Today our Father is inviting us to make the best use of 2015 by joining Him on His mission to redeem this lost world one life at a time. In the 361 days that are left in this year we can change the world by, living from Holy Spirit’s power, living out of the grace of Jesus, and living by our Father’s Words.