Before HE created the Heavens and the Earth, God purposed to create a family for Himself. God’s intent is for every member in His Family to develop certain “family characteristics” and one of those is Godly Wisdom. To direct us on this journey God has given us the book of PROVERBS. This “Wisdom book” of the Bible makes the inseparable connection between experiencing “Biblical Community” and “Growing in Godly Wisdom”. These are deeply intertwined! We were not wired by God to learn those family characteristics through “lone-ranger” living. God’s Wisdom is designed to “rub off” on us when we spend time with others who are also seeking to have “God’s Wisdom” living inside them. PROVERBS describes this, as the way “iron sharpens iron”. For the next 6-weeks, both in our Sunday services and in group life, we will journey into the Wisdom of God Together. We have nearly 20 new Wiser Together Connection Groups launching so there will be place for everyone to connect.