It has been said that there are 2 ways to magnify an object: Using a microscope, you can take something that’s very small, like a single-celled organism, and magnify it several thousand times so that you can see it. Using a telescope, you can bring something very big, but far away, like the planet Jupiter, close enough to see the detailed beauty and grandeur of the planet. When speaking of God, the Psalmists always intend that the second application be understood! We can’t “enlarge” God, but we can draw nearer to Him that we may clearly see HIS Beauty and Splendor and Glory. The Psalms allow us to “magnify the Lord” by helping us come nearer to God! Not only does the book of Psalms “magnify” the Lord, it also magnifies the human condition. Coming to see the human condition in the context of the Glory and Grandeur of an Almighty—All-Loving Creator God is the only path to a life of peace and hope and love! Join us Sunday mornings in October & November as we “magnify” the Lord together and just maybe learn something about ourselves in the process. And, consider bringing a friend with you!