Marriage and Family are not man-made institutions. They were designed by God Himself. God’s Dream of “Family” is a strategic part of HIS Plan to bless this world and one of HIS Divine Channels through which HIS All-Sufficient Grace flows to us. Here at Riverbluff we are going to celebrate God’s Gift of Family every Sunday during the month of July! To do that, we’ll design every Sunday Worship experience to be uniquely family friendly. The teaching will be geared to encourage and help families grow close to our Lord together. (We will not have any separate programming for children K5 – 5th Grade during July.) Instead, they will be our special guests in “BIG Church” as we gather as families in the Auditorium to worship the Lord together. It will be a great time of celebrating HIS Goodness as one Big Family! If you have any questions, feel free to call the church office at 843.266.0573.