From Pastor Curt: Do you know anyone who doesn’t want things to be better? I think most people would agree that “things” are not going well in the world. Of course, there are technological advances and progress in health issues that stand out as isolated examples of “things” going well. But, in matters of personal happiness, economic well being, human relations, politics and security, “things” are rapidly going down the tube. So what do we do about it? Here at the River, we think the Church of Jesus Christ has an essential role in changing the world. In fact, we don’t think the world can be changed for the better unless the church leads. Unless the Church fulfills her role (salt and light, cities on the hill, examples of Christ followers), the world doesn’t have a chance. No other institution has been given the assignment of world change. No other group has been given the strategy for world change (making disciples of Jesus). No other group has been given the lasting motive of glorifying God for world change. And no other group has been given the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit to empower lasting change. In short, there is no plan B. God’s people living as God’s people, serving God by making disciples who live like Jesus and serve humanity, is our mission. And the hope of the world. So we’ve determined that we want to be a disciple-making fellowship of Christ Followers who are mobilized into the world to do what we can to make as many disciples of Jesus as we can and then mobilize those disciples to make more disciples and serve humanity before Jesus comes. We’ve got a long way to go, just like most churches we know. But having a long way to go should not stop us from setting out on the journey. While some churches may face other issues, ours is how do we make disciples who change the world? What do we need to do? What do we need to stop doing? And what are we doing that we need to do better? Because there are no simple answers, we are starting this year with a focused time of prayer and fasting designed to ask God for his work in our hearts. We’re calling it AWAKEN 2012 and for 21 days this will be our focus. Do a work in us, Lord. Awaken our sleeping hearts to Your Spirit. Remind us of who we are and who we serve. Point out where we have sinned and convict us to repent. Bring us into Your presence regularly and humbly. Help us to seek You and love You with all our hearts; and then, help us to see others as You do. Lord purify our motives for world change so that the world is changed to glorify You.