Missionary couple, Brian and Katherine Miller, have been ministering in Medellin, Colombia since 1996. In December 2019 they opened the doors to a crisis pregnancy center called Esther’s Home, aimed at helping the homeless pregnant girls of Medellin.
Esther’s House provides housing for up to 15 pregnant girls and their babies. They also provide on-site training in skilled work trades for the girls, hands-on Christian therapy, and a small community center for the neighborhood.
In order to help fund Esther’s House, the Millers started selling premium Colombian Coffee to people in the United States. This coffee is sold under the label Bebé Beans, and is roasted locally here in Charleston.
Riverbluff supports this ministry by serving as the Shipping Center for all online coffee orders. We are excited that God has invited us into this essential ministry of distributing Bebé Beans Coffee in order to help the young pregnant girls in Medellin, Colombia find hope in this life and the life-to-come through giving them a safe and caring place to live and introducing them to Jesus Christ.
- Volunteers to pack and ship online orders of coffee.
For more information, contact Tonya Wolfe at twolfe@riverbluff.org or 843.266.6328.
To order coffee online, visit bebebeans.com
To learn more about Esther’s Home, visit tministries.org.